Scriptural Stations of
the Cross
Jesus radiates light as
He drags his heavy cross through the earthly muck of
greys. His battered cross is placed as low as it can
be to convey the moment. Black dry brush marks trail
off of the cross, as if broken in agony.
Artwork Info
Art Collection of Basilica
of Saint Mary, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Acrylic on paper mounted
to board, each original painting is 11 x 13 x 1/4 in.,
framed 12 x 14 x 1 in.
Contact me to
purchase art, host an
exhibit or request more information.
Additional Photos
Corpus Christi Anglican
Church in Springfield, Virginia rented my traveling
exhibition of abstract Scriptural Stations of the
Cross for their Lent liturgical art. This
contemporary abstract art was installed in their
music ministry area.
In 1991, Saint John Paul II wrote alternative
Stations of the Cross focusing on fifteen biblical