Healthcare Art | Commissioned by The Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth

As Saint Vincent de Paul and Saint Louise de Marillac served in their time and place on the cobblestone streets of Paris, so do Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth serve in ways of their day wherever God places them. The Light of Christ blesses Sisters and all of those in their midst, which is symbolized by light imbued on the brick road lined with Tiger Lilies near their Mother House. The color blue and white lily conveys Mother Mary walking beside Sisters as they love and serve everyone. This holy path is unclear to express how Sisters walk by faith.

Artwork Info

Art Collection of Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth, Kansas


42 x 24 x 2 in., acrylic with sand from the River Jordan & Montana on floating wood panel


Contact me to commission art or request more information.

Additional Photos

The Sisters of Charity were the first women religious community to go out and serve, rather than being secluded in a monastery.


This detail portrays the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth’s brick road. All of my commissioned paintings speak of my client’s unique journey.


To Love & Serve image
To Love & Serve image
To Love & Serve image

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